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Instagram Analytics: Using Iconosquare to Track Performance

So you’ve created your Instagram account and populated it with incredible visual content. Now what? Like any other social media platform, in order track your growth and determine a return on your efforts, it is necessary to monitor and understand the analytics on your Instagram account.

Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Instagram doesn’t provide its own analytics through the app. Iconosquare, formerly known as Statigram, is a trusty Instagram analytics platform that I have been using for the past couple years. The tool is easy to use and provides you with all the useful reports you need to manage a successful Instagram account. Here is a brief overview of how to use Iconosqaure analytics for your Instagram campaigns.

Getting Started

To get started on Iconosqure, simply visit, log in with your Instagram credentials and authorize your account. Once your account is authorized, Iconosqure will sync with your Instagram data in a matter of minutes. From there, Iconosqaure will give you an updated summary and you are ready to start analyzing your Instagram performance.

Statistics Tab

Here on the Statistics tab you are able to view an overview summary of your Instagram account. This summary of your Instagram analytics includes: a grand total of likes and comments received, your number of followers, people you are following, new followers, lost followers and the total growth within the last seven days.


A neat feature of the Iconosquare summary page is the Scores section. Here you can see your Love, Talk and Spread Rate — or in other words, your engagement rates. In the Scores section, the percentage on your last photo is the larger number and your average rate is the number below in each box.

  • The Love Rate is a calculation of your follower engagement and how many people like your content.
  • Talk Rate is the average engagement in terms of comments on your photos.
  • And Spread Rate computes your likes received from people outside of your followers.

These engagement rates are very similar to what you would see on Facebook Insights. The Scores section is great for gauging your engagement on Instagram.

Content Section

The Content section on Iconosquare is jam-packed with data analysis of all of your content ever posted on Instagram. It breaks down the density of posts according to each day of the week, the times you post the most, filters used most and ones never used, your hashtag usage and a percentage of time you use the geo-location feature on content. I like to use the Content section for looking at the filters I never use and then trying to incorporate them into my photos. I also like to see the filter I always use and try to give that one a break for a while.

Engagement Section

In the engagement section, you will find a break down of your most liked media and most commented media. Iconosquare also provides a graph for each to show your likes and comments growth history.

Optimization Section

The Optimization page is probably one of my favorite sections. Here, Iconosquare helps you optimize your account in accordance to your Instagram community. They provide you with hints on the best time to post in order to increase engagement, the impact your filters have when it comes to acquiring likes and comments, the impact of tags, and the average media lifespan. Using this page is extremely important. Since Instagram has only offered paid advertising to certain brands at this stage, all engagement is organic only. The Optimization section will help you capture and capitalize on the habits of your Instagram community in order to maximize engagement.

Community Section

Last but not least is the Community section, where you can find more information about thek typology of your followers, your account growth and accounts you like the most according to likes given.

As you can see Iconosquare is a goldmine for all types of Instagram analytics data. For anyone running an Instagram account or campaign, I recommend using this tool for brand community management and performance optimization on Instagram. Not only is Iconosquare easy to use, but it is also free (for now)! Take advantage of this opportunity and sign in with your Instagram account today.