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Nine Digital Marketing Stats From The Past Week

Marketing is always changing, so is digital marketing. Sometimes it’s changing so quickly that trends and statistics are different just week to week. Here are 9 amazing statistics from the digital marketing world from the past week.

  • Facebook users are posting fewer statuses and less original content. In fact, 66 percent of Facebook user didn’t post a single status over a three-month period. This is dangerous to Facebook because without original content, how does the platform plan to continue?
  • The number of social networks that Facebook users are active on has increased to 4.3.
  • 30 percent of clients and 27 percent of suppliers believe that “consumer-specific data collected passively” will be the most important source of data for insights creation two years from now. This includes cookies on a consumer’s computer to capture their browsing history.
  • Facebook may have the largest worldwide membership, but it is not first in visitation. This is held by YouTube.
  • 58 percent of Gen Y consumers consider themselves addicted to their smartphones.
  • “Mobile Internet” stocks were down 15 percent during the third quarter.
  • By 2016, 39.5 million US adults will have worn wearables, including smartwatches and fitness trackers. This is expected to more than double by 2018.
  • 41 percent of survey respondents say that it takes anywhere from 1 to 4 digital product reviews before they will buy a product.
  • Facebook has released its new promo unit Slideshow in Kenya and Nigeria. The ad unit uses photo slideshows designed for slower internet connections and to use less data than video. These are likely to be popular in African countries. Coca Cola has tested it and, in just two weeks, reached 2 million consumers and increased brand awareness by 10 points.

Let’s see what next week has in store.