The Blog

Transform Your Facebook Posts With Facebook Insights

After last week’s blog, I’m sure you are all experts with Facebook Insights, right?

The average Facebook user likes 40 Pages on Facebook, so how do you make your business stand out? I’m going to highlight some of the more important tabs and features to help make your posts more engaging. Sure, every bit of information with within Insights is important, but as a business owner you just do not have the time to continually analyze every bit of it. All I need from you is a small commitment of time every week to go over the information.

The first tab to pay particular attention to is the Posts tab. This tab gives you two bits of great information that will help you out. The first graph you see shows when your fans are online. Like I mentioned last week, this graph does not portray the number of people that see your posts but the total number of people who have liked your page and are most likely to engage with your content. Now you won’t find the exact perfect time to the minute to post, but it will give you a general sense of when you should be posting. For instance, if you are a restaurant or bar that is only open at night, you will quickly notice that if you post in the morning those posts will get lost throughout the course of the day.

Further down the page, you will also see a list of your most recent posts, what type of posts they are and the posts’ engagement levels. One thing you should take notice of is the time of each post. This information, along with the graph, will help you when determining when to be post. You will also get a good sense of what type of posts your fans enjoy the most, whether it’s a link, picture or just a few lines of information. We always recommend posting some type of media with each post; posts with images get the highest amount of engagement on Facebook (the perfect picture size is 800×600).

Another great tab to focus on is the People tab. Here you will get a good understanding of the demographics of your fans and the people who are engaging with your posts. Knowing the age group and sex of your most engaging fans will help you keep your posts tailored to those groups. Did you know that 66% of millennials (15-34 year olds) use Facebook? Unfortunately, you can’t assume that is the target age group on your Facebook Page, so check out your specific statistics.

These are two very valuable tools for you to better understand your fans, but don’t ignore the other four tabs. Facebook is continually making it easier for businesses to market on their Page and I will always be helping you understand how to get the most out of it.