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Instant Articles

Would You Pay for Facebook Instant Articles?

Facebook is testing a subscription model for Instant Articles. They say that they want publishers to be able to monetize their efforts and stay more connected to their audiences. Instant articles allow publishers to quickly create fast and interactive articles on Facebook.Instant Articles

The pros of instant articles for users is they load instantly and are clear, easy to read and engage with. Instant articles also drive 20% more clicks and 30% more shares. I guess the kicker is that Instant articles keep users on Facebook rather than linking a user to the publisher’s site. But still, now we have to pay for these? When did we ask for them in the first place?

Readers will be able to subscribe directly to individual publishers. Facebook is also giving 100% of the profits back to the publishers.

This might seem like a good idea, but I don’t think it is going to work. Users will be quicker to leave Facebook and go directly to the publisher at a slightly slower speed before they pay Facebook to show them the same article they can get for free. That’s just my two cents though, maybe I am wrong. Would you pay for this? Let us know.

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