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Achieve Your Marketing Objectives With Twitter Ads

Recently, we gave you the run down on how to successfully take advantage of the new Twitter facelift. If you haven’t fixed the dimensions of your cover photo or pinned a tweet yet, you better get to it!) Amongst the changes like a new layout, Twitter offers advertising to amplify lead generation and reach target audiences with Twitter Ads. You may have even seen a few Twitter Ads features in your newsfeed, like the promoted tweet below.  

After signing up for Twitter Ads, you have three options: Promote Accounts, Promote Tweets and Promote Trends. Depending on your objectives, each option may be great for your online marketing plan.

Promote Accounts: Catch the attention of brand advocates, users and other brands to increase your following and find out what your demographic needs or wants through online interaction.

Promote Tweets: Target your audience and provide special discounts, offers and more to the right person, in a specific area, during a designated time. Promoted tweets are easy to measure in terms of success because they can require immediate action like an e-mail sign up or purchase.

Promote Trends: Garner attention for a new product, campaign or conversation easily through Promoted Trends. This is a useful tool to search and manage your conversations online.

Promoting one of the options above is very similar to Facebook Ads or Facebook Unpublished Posts in that you create a campaign, time frame, targeting options and a budget.At StrataBlue, we understand the magic happens within the targeting option section. Because 37.8 million users a month user their phones to access Twitter, geo-targeting is also extremely important.

But wait, there’s more! Have you been looking for ways to better analyze how your audience interacts with your produced content? What about the issue of fitting everything, include a picture, within 140 characters or less? No problem. With Twitter Cards you can increase link clicks and traffic to your website, retweets to get your brand resonating in customers minds and more through “cards” with videos and images. is a great tool to use for URL analytics, but teamed up with Twitter Cards analytics you get to the core about how your customers are engaging with content you produce. Using these tools together helps to eliminate content “fluff” that your audience doesn’t necessarily care about.

Interested in learning more about targeting for Twitter Ads or marketing possibilities with Twitter Cards? Contact us!